The Pink Bucket of Death

Thursday, December 28, 2006

thank God for wayne...

i think it is most appropriate to express my grattitude and give thanks to God for Wayne Grudem. Only the inexhaustable riches of God himself could have prompted any man to write 1223 pages on the character of God. and yet Dr. Grudem would be the first to say that he is only scratching the surface of the glories of God. Wayne Grudem is only one of many great godly thinkers whose life reflects the humility, kindness, graciousness, etc. that characterizes our savior.

we are so blessed to have been given men like Wayne Grudem, Gary Lau, John Field, Brad Barshaw, Mike Polompo, Mark Olmos, etc. who have seen the value of teaching God's truths to younger men and women, and have actively participated in growing and advancing the Kingdom of God. THANK YOU! and thanks be to God for you! be encouraged...and continue living a life that is worthy of God's great call upon you!! mahalo...


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