The Pink Bucket of Death

Thursday, January 04, 2007

concerning the Millennium...

i want to issue a BIG MAHALO to Ben and Damien for inviting me to listen to two teaching CD's on the eschatos with them last night. we sat in Ben's living room and took notes to about 2.5 hours of Jeff Purswell teaching on the eschatology of Revelation 20 and other relevant issues. was awasome! one such relevant issue was a lengthy teaching/discussion on the Millennium. during half-time (our snack break between listening to the two cd's) we talked a bit about what our individual understandings and positions were on the Millennium.

we quickly realized that we weren't quite sure where we each stood, as more questions seemed to surface than answers. yet, as we continued to hash out our thoughts and questions to each other, there seemed to be more of a collective clarity as to the terms--i.e. pre-mil, a-mil, post-mil, dispensational pre-mil, etc.--as well as their broad good thoughtful discussion should. though certian parts were a great (and much needed) review for me, i mostly felt like i was trying to drink from the fire hydrant again...and in the end, felt like i was merely scratching the surface.

i would love to hear any feedback, resources, personal opinions and/or comments that you (the reader) could offer in assisting me to walk through this thought proccess. all i can say is that i was excited by last nights listening session! ...last night made me pull Grudem off the shelf and start re-reading section 7: "the doctrine of the future." Jeff Purswell clearly held to the a-mil position, and my initial reading/biblical exploration seems to have me leaning in the same direction.

damien and ben! i thank God for faithful humble men like you who are applying yourselves to studying and discussing God's word. thanks again for the invite! i am truly blessed!

"Eschatology is a central Christian conditions all other doctrines. How will sin be overcome? How will the Holy Spirit complete his work in us? What will the church look like? Without a clear understanding of eschatology our Theology is incomplete."

~Jeff Purswell


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